
# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
342 F Sunday Sept 1 13:00 Braves 3 Mtl Red Sox 5 Ballantyne Box
338 PPD Sunday Sept 1 16:00 CRUSH Blue Jays Ballantyne
390 PPD Sunday Sept 1 19:00 Giants 4 CRUSH 2 Ballantyne Box
170 F Monday Sept 2 19:30 Pirates BB 7 Cardinals 6 Ballantyne Box
1003* F Tuesday Sept 3 19:30 Tigers 3 Pirates BB 2 LaSalle Box
2001* F Tuesday Sept 3 19:30 Seadogs 13 Mariners 4 St-Laurent Box
1000* F Wednesday Sept 4 19:30 Red Sox 13 Giants BB 3 Lake Box
2002* F Wednesday Sept 4 19:30 Mariners 6 Seadogs 10 Arthur-Therrien Box
1004* F Thursday Sept 5 19:30 Royals 4 Cardinals 6 LaSalle Box
2003* F Friday Sept 6 19:30 Orioles 7 Pirates A 5 Ballantyne Box
402 PPD Saturday Sept 7 16:00 Yankees Giants Ballantyne
1005* PPD Saturday Sept 7 16:00 Pirates BB Tigers Lake
1001* PPD Saturday Sept 7 19:00 Giants BB Red Sox Lake
373 Sunday Sept 8 10:00 Yankees Blue Jays Ballantyne
391 Sunday Sept 8 13:00 Classique Angels Cards Ballantyne
2004* Sunday Sept 8 13:00 Orioles Pirates A Lake
392 Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Mtl Red Sox Pirates B St-Laurent
1002* Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Giants BB Red Sox Lake
1006* Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Pirates BB Tigers Ballantyne
336 Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Bullets Giants St-Laurent
1007* Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Cardinals Royals Lake
2006* Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Seadogs Royals A LaSalle
2007* Monday Sept 9 19:30 Seadogs Royals A Ballantyne
1008* Monday Sept 9 19:45 Royals Cardinals Éloi-Viau
402 Tuesday Sept 10 19:30 CRUSH Cards St-Laurent
2005* Tuesday Sept 10 19:30 Pirates A Orioles Arthur-Therrien
2011* Wednesday Sept 11 19:30 Pirates A Orioles Arthur-Therrien
2008* Thursday Sept 12 19:30 Royals A Seadogs LaSalle
2009* Friday Sept 13 19:30 Royals A Seadogs LaSalle
2012* Friday Sept 13 19:30 Orioles Pirates A To be confirmed
400 Saturday Sept 14 16:00 CRUSH Yankees Ballantyne
401 Saturday Sept 14 19:00 Giants Blue Jays Ballantyne
323 Sunday Sept 15 10:00 Classique Angels Braves Ballantyne
378 Sunday Sept 15 13:00 Braves Classique Angels Ballantyne
2010* Sunday Sept 15 13:00 Seadogs Royals A LaSalle
322 Sunday Sept 15 16:00 Cubs Blue Jays Ballantyne


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
301 F Saturday May 18 19:00 Cubs 1 Mtl Red Sox 11 Ballantyne Box
302 F Sunday May 19 10:00 Braves 6 Phillies 11 Springate Box
304 F Sunday May 19 13:00 Classique Angels 7 Cubs 14 Ballantyne Box
305 F Sunday May 19 16:00 Pirates B 5 Bullets 14 Ballantyne Box
308 F Saturday May 25 16:00 Classique Angels 0 Bullets 3 Ballantyne Box
310 F Sunday May 26 13:00 Cubs 12 Classique Angels 4 Ballantyne Box
311 F Sunday May 26 16:00 Blue Jays 20 CRUSH 3 St-Laurent Box
312 F Sunday May 26 19:00 Phillies 6 Pirates B 16 St-Laurent Box
313 F Sunday May 26 19:00 Braves 2 Giants 6 Arthur-Therrien Box
200 F Tuesday May 28 19:30 Royals A 7 Pirates A 6 St-Laurent Box
201 F Wednesday May 29 19:30 Mariners 10 Royals A 11 LaSalle Box
103 F Thursday May 30 20:00 Mets 3 Tigers 10 Trudeau Box
104 F Friday May 31 19:30 Royals 6 Tigers 7 Ballantyne Box
105 F Friday May 31 19:30 Cardinals 7 Giants BB 10 Lake Box
203 F Friday May 31 19:30 Seadogs 7 Orioles 3 Arthur-Therrien Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
314 F Saturday June 1 16:00 Bullets 5 Yankees 10 Ballantyne Box
202 F Saturday June 1 19:00 Pirates A 9 Seadogs 7 Ballantyne Box
315 F Sunday June 2 10:00 Blue Jays 3 Classique Angels 13 Ballantyne Box
316 F Sunday June 2 10:00 Yankees 6 Phillies 11 Springate Box
317 F Sunday June 2 13:00 Cards 2 Cubs 4 Ballantyne Box
318 Fft Sunday June 2 16:00 CRUSH 0 Mtl Red Sox 7 Ballantyne Box
106 F Sunday June 2 19:00 Tigers 3 Pirates BB 13 St-Laurent Box
319 F Sunday June 2 19:00 Pirates B 2 Giants 8 Arthur-Therrien Box
125 F Monday June 3 19:30 Mets 26 Red Sox 5 Ballantyne Box
108 F Monday June 3 20:00 Giants BB 10 Cardinals 5 Éloi-Viau Box
204 F Monday June 3 20:00 Seadogs 13 Mariners 5 Trudeau Box
109 F Tuesday June 4 19:30 Royals 13 Pirates BB 5 St-Laurent Box
205 F Wednesday June 5 19:30 Pirates A 3 Royals A 8 LaSalle Box
320 F Saturday June 8 16:00 Giants 6 Braves 5 Ballantyne Box
113 F Monday June 10 19:30 Pirates BB 14 Tigers 8 Ballantyne Box
114 F Monday June 10 20:00 Royals 1 Cardinals 11 Éloi-Viau Box
209 F Monday June 10 20:00 Orioles 11 Seadogs 8 Trudeau Box
210 F Tuesday June 11 19:30 Seadogs 10 Pirates A 11 St-Laurent Box
211 F Wednesday June 12 19:30 Orioles 1 Royals A 3 LaSalle Box
116 F Friday June 14 19:30 Red Sox 0 Royals 14 Ballantyne Box
117 F Friday June 14 19:30 Mets 12 Giants BB 5 Lake Box
212 F Friday June 14 20:00 Royals A 9 Mariners 2 Trudeau Box
324 F Saturday June 15 16:00 Phillies 17 Bullets 10 Ballantyne Box
219 F Saturday June 15 19:00 Orioles 3 Mariners 13 Ballantyne Box
325 F Sunday June 16 10:00 CRUSH 11 Cubs 7 Ballantyne Box
326 F Sunday June 16 10:00 Bullets 9 Phillies 8 Springate Box
327 F Sunday June 16 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 12 Blue Jays 0 Ballantyne Box
328 F Sunday June 16 16:00 Cards 16 Classique Angels 10 Ballantyne Box
329 F Sunday June 16 19:00 Braves 5 Pirates B 12 St-Laurent Box
118 F Monday June 17 19:30 Royals 1 Mets 11 Ballantyne Box
119 F Monday June 17 20:00 Giants BB 6 Cardinals 7 Éloi-Viau Box
213 F Monday June 17 20:00 Orioles 0 Pirates A 3 Trudeau Box
120 F Tuesday June 18 19:30 Pirates BB 16 Red Sox 4 St-Laurent Box
214 F Wednesday June 19 20:00 Mariners 5 Seadogs 12 Trudeau Box
110 F Thursday June 20 20:00 Cardinals 0 Royals 10 Trudeau Box
111 F Friday June 21 19:30 Red Sox 7 Giants BB 13 Lake Box
122 F Friday June 21 19:30 Mets 12 Royals 2 Ballantyne Box
215 F Friday June 21 19:30 Mariners 1 Orioles 11 Arthur-Therrien Box
216 Fft Friday June 21 20:00 Royals A 7 Pirates A 0 Trudeau Box
330 F Saturday June 22 16:00 Giants 9 Pirates B 8 Ballantyne Box
217 F Tuesday June 25 19:30 Mariners 10 Pirates A 11 St-Laurent Box
107 F Tuesday June 25 20:00 Mets 11 Tigers 0 Trudeau Box
218 F Wednesday June 26 19:30 Seadogs 3 Royals A 6 LaSalle Box
126 F Thursday June 27 20:00 Tigers 10 Red Sox 9 Trudeau Box
124 F Friday June 28 19:30 Royals 0 Pirates BB 10 Lake Box
127 F Friday June 28 19:30 Giants BB 14 Mets 10 Ballantyne Box
221 F Friday June 28 20:00 Pirates A 12 Seadogs 8 Trudeau Box
339 F Sunday June 30 10:00 Giants 10 Phillies 0 Springate Box
309 F Sunday June 30 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 15 Cards 13 Ballantyne Box
340 F Sunday June 30 13:30 Cards 6 Mtl Red Sox 11 Ballantyne Box
128 Fft Sunday June 30 16:00 Giants BB 0 Royals 7 St-Laurent Box
341 F Sunday June 30 16:00 Classique Angels 5 Yankees 6 Ballantyne Box
222 F Sunday June 30 19:30 Orioles 16 Pirates A 5 St-Laurent Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
129 F Tuesday July 2 19:30 Tigers 5 Pirates BB 5 St-Laurent Box
130 F Tuesday July 2 20:00 Royals 5 Red Sox 6 Trudeau Box
223 F Wednesday July 3 19:30 Mariners 7 Royals A 2 LaSalle Box
132 F Friday July 5 19:30 Pirates BB 13 Giants BB 4 Lake Box
225 F Friday July 5 19:30 Seadogs 3 Orioles 6 Arthur-Therrien Box
226 F Friday July 5 20:00 Royals A 4 Pirates A 6 Trudeau Box
344 F Saturday July 6 16:00 Yankees 8 Bullets 7 Lake Box
224 F Saturday July 6 19:00 Seadogs 10 Mariners 7 Lake Box
229 F Saturday July 6 19:00 Orioles 9 Royals A 6 LaSalle Box
345 F Sunday July 7 10:00 Classique Angels 13 Blue Jays 0 Ballantyne Box
346 F Sunday July 7 13:00 Cubs 6 Cards 8 Ballantyne Box
347 F Sunday July 7 16:00 Pirates B 13 Yankees 4 Ballantyne Box
348 F Sunday July 7 16:00 Bullets 17 CRUSH 2 St-Laurent Box
133 F Sunday July 7 19:00 Cardinals 12 Pirates BB 2 St-Laurent Box
349 F Sunday July 7 19:00 Phillies 6 Giants 12 Arthur-Therrien Box
134 F Monday July 8 19:30 Pirates BB 12 Royals 2 Ballantyne Box
135 F Monday July 8 20:00 Red Sox 4 Cardinals 12 Éloi-Viau Box
227 F Monday July 8 20:00 Royals A 5 Seadogs 9 Trudeau Box
228 F Tuesday July 9 19:30 Mariners 6 Pirates A 5 St-Laurent Box
136 F Tuesday July 9 20:00 Red Sox 2 Tigers 12 Trudeau Box
230 F Thursday July 11 20:00 Mariners 9 Seadogs 7 Trudeau Box
137 F Friday July 12 19:30 Tigers 3 Mets 16 Ballantyne Box
138 F Friday July 12 19:30 Royals 5 Giants BB 7 Lake Box
112 F Friday July 12 20:00 Pirates BB 12 Red Sox 3 Trudeau Box
333 F Saturday July 13 11:00 Blue Jays 2 Cards 12 Trudeau Box
332 Fft Saturday July 13 14:00 Pirates B 7 Phillies 0 Trudeau Box
350 F Saturday July 13 16:00 Braves 7 Bullets 14 Ballantyne Box
139 F Saturday July 13 19:00 Giants BB 0 Mets 14 Ballantyne Box
208 F Saturday July 13 19:30 Royals A 4 Seadogs 3 LaSalle Box
101 F Saturday July 13 20:00 Red Sox 8 Royals 2 Trudeau Box
351 F Sunday July 14 10:00 Blue Jays 9 Cubs 12 Ballantyne Box
352 F Sunday July 14 10:00 Phillies 11 Yankees 7 Springate Box
353 F Sunday July 14 16:00 Mtl Red Sox 12 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
354 F Sunday July 14 16:00 Cards 13 CRUSH 2 St-Laurent Box
207 F Sunday July 14 19:00 Pirates A 18 Orioles 10 Arthur-Therrien Box
355 F Sunday July 14 19:00 Bullets 15 Pirates B 10 St-Laurent Box
140 F Monday July 15 19:30 Tigers 7 Royals 10 Ballantyne Box
232 F Monday July 15 20:00 Orioles 1 Seadogs 11 Trudeau Box
142 F Tuesday July 16 19:30 Red Sox 7 Pirates BB 3 St-Laurent Box
233 F Wednesday July 17 19:30 Pirates A 2 Royals A 18 LaSalle Box
144 F Thursday July 18 20:00 Giants BB 17 Red Sox 3 Trudeau Box
145 F Friday July 19 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Mets 10 Ballantyne Box
146 F Friday July 19 19:30 Royals 11 Giants BB 16 Lake Box
235 F Friday July 19 19:30 Pirates A 12 Orioles 15 Arthur-Therrien Box
236 F Friday July 19 20:00 Royals A 14 Mariners 4 Trudeau Box
356 F Saturday July 20 16:00 Giants 6 Yankees 3 Ballantyne Box
357 F Sunday July 21 10:00 Blue Jays 10 Braves 10 Ballantyne Box
358 F Sunday July 21 13:00 Phillies 2 Mtl Red Sox 7 Ballantyne Box
147 F Sunday July 21 16:00 Cardinals 7 Red Sox 6 Ballantyne Box
359 F Sunday July 21 16:00 Cubs 16 CRUSH 17 St-Laurent Box
360 F Sunday July 21 19:00 Cards 10 Pirates B 11 St-Laurent Box
121 F Monday July 22 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Tigers 6 Ballantyne Box
141 F Monday July 22 19:30 Mets 15 Cardinals 2 Éloi-Viau Box
237 F Monday July 22 20:00 Pirates A 3 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
102 F Monday July 22 20:30 Mets 7 Cardinals 5 Éloi-Viau Box
149 Fft Tuesday July 23 19:30 Giants BB 7 Pirates BB 0 St-Laurent Box
150 F Thursday July 25 20:00 Giants BB 11 Tigers 1 Trudeau Box
151 F Friday July 26 19:30 Red Sox 3 Mets 13 Ballantyne Box
239 F Friday July 26 19:30 Mariners 5 Orioles 13 Arthur-Therrien Box
240 F Friday July 26 20:00 Pirates A 5 Seadogs 9 Trudeau Box
361 F Saturday July 27 16:00 Giants 2 Bullets 12 Ballantyne Box
362 F Sunday July 28 10:00 Yankees 8 Braves 9 Ballantyne Box
363 F Sunday July 28 10:00 Blue Jays 2 Phillies 9 Springate Box
364 F Sunday July 28 13:00 Pirates B 15 Cubs 2 Ballantyne Box
365 F Sunday July 28 16:00 Bullets 11 Cards 14 Ballantyne Box
366 F Sunday July 28 19:00 Mtl Red Sox 9 Giants 9 Arthur-Therrien Box
153 F Monday July 29 19:30 Red Sox 7 Tigers 6 Ballantyne Box
154 F Monday July 29 20:00 Royals 5 Cardinals 8 Éloi-Viau Box
241 F Monday July 29 20:00 Seadogs 7 Mariners 13 Trudeau Box
242 F Tuesday July 30 19:30 Seadogs 7 Pirates A 13 St-Laurent Box
155 F Tuesday July 30 20:00 Tigers 11 Royals 13 Trudeau Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
148 F Thursday Aug 1 20:00 Cardinals 9 Pirates BB 5 Trudeau Box
156 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Mets 5 Ballantyne Box
157 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Red Sox 6 Giants BB 5 Lake Box
244 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Royals A 11 Orioles 1 Arthur-Therrien Box
152 F Friday Aug 2 20:00 Mets 8 Pirates BB 8 Ballantyne Box
367 F Saturday Aug 3 16:00 Cubs 9 Yankees 9 Ballantyne Box
368 F Saturday Aug 3 19:00 Blue Jays 3 Braves 8 Ballantyne Box
321 F Sunday Aug 4 10:00 CRUSH 4 Phillies 17 Springate Box
335 F Sunday Aug 4 10:00 Cubs 8 Braves 6 Ballantyne Box
369 F Sunday Aug 4 13:00 Pirates B 12 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
331 F Sunday Aug 4 16:00 Yankees 7 Mtl Red Sox 3 St-Laurent Box
370 F Sunday Aug 4 16:00 Giants 6 Cards 4 Ballantyne Box
158 F Sunday Aug 4 19:00 Red Sox 2 Pirates BB 12 St-Laurent Box
231 F Sunday Aug 4 19:00 Pirates A 13 Orioles 9 Arthur-Therrien Box
246 F Tuesday Aug 6 19:30 Mariners 2 Pirates A 12 St-Laurent Box
161 F Tuesday Aug 6 20:00 Mets 11 Red Sox 0 Trudeau Box
247 F Wednesday Aug 7 19:30 Orioles 12 Royals A 1 LaSalle Box
372 F Saturday Aug 10 16:00 Cards 5 Braves 4 Ballantyne Box
375 F Sunday Aug 11 9:00 Phillies 15 Cubs 4 Springate Box
371 F Sunday Aug 11 10:00 Mtl Red Sox 4 Bullets 10 Ballantyne Box
374 F Sunday Aug 11 13:00 Bullets 10 Mtl Red Sox 3 Ballantyne Box
343 F Sunday Aug 11 16:00 Cards 12 Blue Jays 4 Ballantyne Box
376 F Sunday Aug 11 16:00 Yankees 7 Pirates B 4 St-Laurent Box
377 F Sunday Aug 11 19:00 Classique Angels 8 Giants 12 Arthur-Therrien Box
394 Sunday Aug 11 19:00 Braves CRUSH St-Laurent
123 F Monday Aug 12 20:00 Tigers 13 Giants BB 10 Trudeau Box
115 F Monday Aug 12 20:30 Giants BB 6 Tigers 8 Trudeau Box
300 F Tuesday Aug 13 19:30 CRUSH 7 Classique Angels 8 St-Laurent Box
165 F Tuesday Aug 13 20:00 Cardinals 11 Red Sox 5 Trudeau Box
334 F Tuesday Aug 13 20:00 Classique Angels 9 CRUSH 10 St-Laurent Box
220 F Wednesday Aug 14 19:30 Royals A 16 Orioles 0 LaSalle Box
249 Fft Wednesday Aug 14 20:00 Pirates A 7 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
166 F Thursday Aug 15 20:00 Tigers 11 Red Sox 8 Trudeau Box
167 F Friday Aug 16 19:30 Royals 7 Mets 11 Ballantyne Box
168 F Friday Aug 16 19:30 Pirates BB 1 Giants BB 6 Lake Box
206 Fft Saturday Aug 17 19:00 Orioles 0 Mariners 7 To be confirmed Box
379 F Saturday Aug 17 19:00 Cubs 3 Bullets 9 Ballantyne Box
380 F Sunday Aug 18 10:00 CRUSH 2 Braves 12 Ballantyne Box
381 F Sunday Aug 18 10:00 Cards 0 Phillies 1 Springate Box
382 F Sunday Aug 18 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 6 Yankees 5 Ballantyne Box
164 Fft Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Cardinals 1 Mets 6 Ballantyne Box
238 F Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Seadogs 16 Royals A 8 LaSalle Box
383 F Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Blue Jays 5 Pirates B 16 St-Laurent Box
131 Fft Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Cardinals 0 Mets 7 Ballantyne Box
245 F Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Royals A 3 Seadogs 6 LaSalle Box
384 F Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Cubs 6 Giants 13 St-Laurent Box
248 F Tuesday Aug 20 19:30 Seadogs 10 Orioles 11 St-Laurent Box
243 Fft Wednesday Aug 21 19:30 Mariners 7 Royals A 0 LaSalle Box
162 Fft Friday Aug 23 19:30 Mets 7 Royals 0 Ballantyne Box
163 F Friday Aug 23 19:30 Cardinals 2 Giants BB 13 Ballantyne Box
385 F Saturday Aug 24 16:00 Bullets 15 Blue Jays 6 Ballantyne Box
386 F Saturday Aug 24 19:00 Pirates B 7 Mtl Red Sox 8 Ballantyne Box
387 F Sunday Aug 25 10:00 Yankees 6 Cards 2 Ballantyne Box
388 F Sunday Aug 25 13:00 Phillies 11 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
389 F Sunday Aug 25 16:00 Braves 11 Cubs 5 Ballantyne Box
143 F Monday Aug 26 19:00 Cardinals 6 Tigers 7 Éloi-Viau Box
159 F Monday Aug 26 19:30 Giants BB 6 Royals 7 Ballantyne Box
160 F Monday Aug 26 20:00 Tigers 3 Cardinals 6 Éloi-Viau Box
337 Fft Tuesday Aug 27 19:30 CRUSH 0 Pirates B 7 St-Laurent Box
234 F Thursday Aug 29 20:00 Orioles 12 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
169 F Friday Aug 30 20:00 Cardinals 13 Tigers 3 Ballantyne Box
2000* F Friday Aug 30 20:00 Mariners 9 Seadogs 5 Trudeau Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
342 F Sunday Sept 1 13:00 Braves 3 Mtl Red Sox 5 Ballantyne Box
338 PPD Sunday Sept 1 16:00 CRUSH Blue Jays Ballantyne
390 PPD Sunday Sept 1 19:00 Giants 4 CRUSH 2 Ballantyne Box
170 F Monday Sept 2 19:30 Pirates BB 7 Cardinals 6 Ballantyne Box
1003* F Tuesday Sept 3 19:30 Tigers 3 Pirates BB 2 LaSalle Box
2001* F Tuesday Sept 3 19:30 Seadogs 13 Mariners 4 St-Laurent Box
1000* F Wednesday Sept 4 19:30 Red Sox 13 Giants BB 3 Lake Box
2002* F Wednesday Sept 4 19:30 Mariners 6 Seadogs 10 Arthur-Therrien Box
1004* F Thursday Sept 5 19:30 Royals 4 Cardinals 6 LaSalle Box
2003* F Friday Sept 6 19:30 Orioles 7 Pirates A 5 Ballantyne Box
402 PPD Saturday Sept 7 16:00 Yankees Giants Ballantyne
1005* PPD Saturday Sept 7 16:00 Pirates BB Tigers Lake
1001* PPD Saturday Sept 7 19:00 Giants BB Red Sox Lake
373 Sunday Sept 8 10:00 Yankees Blue Jays Ballantyne
391 Sunday Sept 8 13:00 Classique Angels Cards Ballantyne
2004* Sunday Sept 8 13:00 Orioles Pirates A Lake
392 Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Mtl Red Sox Pirates B St-Laurent
1002* Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Giants BB Red Sox Lake
1006* Sunday Sept 8 16:00 Pirates BB Tigers Ballantyne
336 Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Bullets Giants St-Laurent
1007* Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Cardinals Royals Lake
2006* Sunday Sept 8 19:00 Seadogs Royals A LaSalle
2007* Monday Sept 9 19:30 Seadogs Royals A Ballantyne
1008* Monday Sept 9 19:45 Royals Cardinals Éloi-Viau
402 Tuesday Sept 10 19:30 CRUSH Cards St-Laurent
2005* Tuesday Sept 10 19:30 Pirates A Orioles Arthur-Therrien
2011* Wednesday Sept 11 19:30 Pirates A Orioles Arthur-Therrien
2008* Thursday Sept 12 19:30 Royals A Seadogs LaSalle
2009* Friday Sept 13 19:30 Royals A Seadogs LaSalle
2012* Friday Sept 13 19:30 Orioles Pirates A To be confirmed
400 Saturday Sept 14 16:00 CRUSH Yankees Ballantyne
401 Saturday Sept 14 19:00 Giants Blue Jays Ballantyne
323 Sunday Sept 15 10:00 Classique Angels Braves Ballantyne
378 Sunday Sept 15 13:00 Braves Classique Angels Ballantyne
2010* Sunday Sept 15 13:00 Seadogs Royals A LaSalle
322 Sunday Sept 15 16:00 Cubs Blue Jays Ballantyne


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
301 F Saturday May 18 19:00 Cubs 1 Mtl Red Sox 11 Ballantyne Box
302 F Sunday May 19 10:00 Braves 6 Phillies 11 Springate Box
304 F Sunday May 19 13:00 Classique Angels 7 Cubs 14 Ballantyne Box
305 F Sunday May 19 16:00 Pirates B 5 Bullets 14 Ballantyne Box
308 F Saturday May 25 16:00 Classique Angels 0 Bullets 3 Ballantyne Box
310 F Sunday May 26 13:00 Cubs 12 Classique Angels 4 Ballantyne Box
311 F Sunday May 26 16:00 Blue Jays 20 CRUSH 3 St-Laurent Box
312 F Sunday May 26 19:00 Phillies 6 Pirates B 16 St-Laurent Box
313 F Sunday May 26 19:00 Braves 2 Giants 6 Arthur-Therrien Box
200 F Tuesday May 28 19:30 Royals A 7 Pirates A 6 St-Laurent Box
201 F Wednesday May 29 19:30 Mariners 10 Royals A 11 LaSalle Box
103 F Thursday May 30 20:00 Mets 3 Tigers 10 Trudeau Box
104 F Friday May 31 19:30 Royals 6 Tigers 7 Ballantyne Box
105 F Friday May 31 19:30 Cardinals 7 Giants BB 10 Lake Box
203 F Friday May 31 19:30 Seadogs 7 Orioles 3 Arthur-Therrien Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
314 F Saturday June 1 16:00 Bullets 5 Yankees 10 Ballantyne Box
202 F Saturday June 1 19:00 Pirates A 9 Seadogs 7 Ballantyne Box
315 F Sunday June 2 10:00 Blue Jays 3 Classique Angels 13 Ballantyne Box
316 F Sunday June 2 10:00 Yankees 6 Phillies 11 Springate Box
317 F Sunday June 2 13:00 Cards 2 Cubs 4 Ballantyne Box
318 Fft Sunday June 2 16:00 CRUSH 0 Mtl Red Sox 7 Ballantyne Box
106 F Sunday June 2 19:00 Tigers 3 Pirates BB 13 St-Laurent Box
319 F Sunday June 2 19:00 Pirates B 2 Giants 8 Arthur-Therrien Box
125 F Monday June 3 19:30 Mets 26 Red Sox 5 Ballantyne Box
108 F Monday June 3 20:00 Giants BB 10 Cardinals 5 Éloi-Viau Box
204 F Monday June 3 20:00 Seadogs 13 Mariners 5 Trudeau Box
109 F Tuesday June 4 19:30 Royals 13 Pirates BB 5 St-Laurent Box
205 F Wednesday June 5 19:30 Pirates A 3 Royals A 8 LaSalle Box
320 F Saturday June 8 16:00 Giants 6 Braves 5 Ballantyne Box
113 F Monday June 10 19:30 Pirates BB 14 Tigers 8 Ballantyne Box
114 F Monday June 10 20:00 Royals 1 Cardinals 11 Éloi-Viau Box
209 F Monday June 10 20:00 Orioles 11 Seadogs 8 Trudeau Box
210 F Tuesday June 11 19:30 Seadogs 10 Pirates A 11 St-Laurent Box
211 F Wednesday June 12 19:30 Orioles 1 Royals A 3 LaSalle Box
116 F Friday June 14 19:30 Red Sox 0 Royals 14 Ballantyne Box
117 F Friday June 14 19:30 Mets 12 Giants BB 5 Lake Box
212 F Friday June 14 20:00 Royals A 9 Mariners 2 Trudeau Box
324 F Saturday June 15 16:00 Phillies 17 Bullets 10 Ballantyne Box
219 F Saturday June 15 19:00 Orioles 3 Mariners 13 Ballantyne Box
325 F Sunday June 16 10:00 CRUSH 11 Cubs 7 Ballantyne Box
326 F Sunday June 16 10:00 Bullets 9 Phillies 8 Springate Box
327 F Sunday June 16 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 12 Blue Jays 0 Ballantyne Box
328 F Sunday June 16 16:00 Cards 16 Classique Angels 10 Ballantyne Box
329 F Sunday June 16 19:00 Braves 5 Pirates B 12 St-Laurent Box
118 F Monday June 17 19:30 Royals 1 Mets 11 Ballantyne Box
119 F Monday June 17 20:00 Giants BB 6 Cardinals 7 Éloi-Viau Box
213 F Monday June 17 20:00 Orioles 0 Pirates A 3 Trudeau Box
120 F Tuesday June 18 19:30 Pirates BB 16 Red Sox 4 St-Laurent Box
214 F Wednesday June 19 20:00 Mariners 5 Seadogs 12 Trudeau Box
110 F Thursday June 20 20:00 Cardinals 0 Royals 10 Trudeau Box
111 F Friday June 21 19:30 Red Sox 7 Giants BB 13 Lake Box
122 F Friday June 21 19:30 Mets 12 Royals 2 Ballantyne Box
215 F Friday June 21 19:30 Mariners 1 Orioles 11 Arthur-Therrien Box
216 Fft Friday June 21 20:00 Royals A 7 Pirates A 0 Trudeau Box
330 F Saturday June 22 16:00 Giants 9 Pirates B 8 Ballantyne Box
217 F Tuesday June 25 19:30 Mariners 10 Pirates A 11 St-Laurent Box
107 F Tuesday June 25 20:00 Mets 11 Tigers 0 Trudeau Box
218 F Wednesday June 26 19:30 Seadogs 3 Royals A 6 LaSalle Box
126 F Thursday June 27 20:00 Tigers 10 Red Sox 9 Trudeau Box
124 F Friday June 28 19:30 Royals 0 Pirates BB 10 Lake Box
127 F Friday June 28 19:30 Giants BB 14 Mets 10 Ballantyne Box
221 F Friday June 28 20:00 Pirates A 12 Seadogs 8 Trudeau Box
339 F Sunday June 30 10:00 Giants 10 Phillies 0 Springate Box
309 F Sunday June 30 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 15 Cards 13 Ballantyne Box
340 F Sunday June 30 13:30 Cards 6 Mtl Red Sox 11 Ballantyne Box
128 Fft Sunday June 30 16:00 Giants BB 0 Royals 7 St-Laurent Box
341 F Sunday June 30 16:00 Classique Angels 5 Yankees 6 Ballantyne Box
222 F Sunday June 30 19:30 Orioles 16 Pirates A 5 St-Laurent Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
129 F Tuesday July 2 19:30 Tigers 5 Pirates BB 5 St-Laurent Box
130 F Tuesday July 2 20:00 Royals 5 Red Sox 6 Trudeau Box
223 F Wednesday July 3 19:30 Mariners 7 Royals A 2 LaSalle Box
132 F Friday July 5 19:30 Pirates BB 13 Giants BB 4 Lake Box
225 F Friday July 5 19:30 Seadogs 3 Orioles 6 Arthur-Therrien Box
226 F Friday July 5 20:00 Royals A 4 Pirates A 6 Trudeau Box
344 F Saturday July 6 16:00 Yankees 8 Bullets 7 Lake Box
224 F Saturday July 6 19:00 Seadogs 10 Mariners 7 Lake Box
229 F Saturday July 6 19:00 Orioles 9 Royals A 6 LaSalle Box
345 F Sunday July 7 10:00 Classique Angels 13 Blue Jays 0 Ballantyne Box
346 F Sunday July 7 13:00 Cubs 6 Cards 8 Ballantyne Box
347 F Sunday July 7 16:00 Pirates B 13 Yankees 4 Ballantyne Box
348 F Sunday July 7 16:00 Bullets 17 CRUSH 2 St-Laurent Box
133 F Sunday July 7 19:00 Cardinals 12 Pirates BB 2 St-Laurent Box
349 F Sunday July 7 19:00 Phillies 6 Giants 12 Arthur-Therrien Box
134 F Monday July 8 19:30 Pirates BB 12 Royals 2 Ballantyne Box
135 F Monday July 8 20:00 Red Sox 4 Cardinals 12 Éloi-Viau Box
227 F Monday July 8 20:00 Royals A 5 Seadogs 9 Trudeau Box
228 F Tuesday July 9 19:30 Mariners 6 Pirates A 5 St-Laurent Box
136 F Tuesday July 9 20:00 Red Sox 2 Tigers 12 Trudeau Box
230 F Thursday July 11 20:00 Mariners 9 Seadogs 7 Trudeau Box
137 F Friday July 12 19:30 Tigers 3 Mets 16 Ballantyne Box
138 F Friday July 12 19:30 Royals 5 Giants BB 7 Lake Box
112 F Friday July 12 20:00 Pirates BB 12 Red Sox 3 Trudeau Box
333 F Saturday July 13 11:00 Blue Jays 2 Cards 12 Trudeau Box
332 Fft Saturday July 13 14:00 Pirates B 7 Phillies 0 Trudeau Box
350 F Saturday July 13 16:00 Braves 7 Bullets 14 Ballantyne Box
139 F Saturday July 13 19:00 Giants BB 0 Mets 14 Ballantyne Box
208 F Saturday July 13 19:30 Royals A 4 Seadogs 3 LaSalle Box
101 F Saturday July 13 20:00 Red Sox 8 Royals 2 Trudeau Box
351 F Sunday July 14 10:00 Blue Jays 9 Cubs 12 Ballantyne Box
352 F Sunday July 14 10:00 Phillies 11 Yankees 7 Springate Box
353 F Sunday July 14 16:00 Mtl Red Sox 12 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
354 F Sunday July 14 16:00 Cards 13 CRUSH 2 St-Laurent Box
207 F Sunday July 14 19:00 Pirates A 18 Orioles 10 Arthur-Therrien Box
355 F Sunday July 14 19:00 Bullets 15 Pirates B 10 St-Laurent Box
140 F Monday July 15 19:30 Tigers 7 Royals 10 Ballantyne Box
232 F Monday July 15 20:00 Orioles 1 Seadogs 11 Trudeau Box
142 F Tuesday July 16 19:30 Red Sox 7 Pirates BB 3 St-Laurent Box
233 F Wednesday July 17 19:30 Pirates A 2 Royals A 18 LaSalle Box
144 F Thursday July 18 20:00 Giants BB 17 Red Sox 3 Trudeau Box
145 F Friday July 19 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Mets 10 Ballantyne Box
146 F Friday July 19 19:30 Royals 11 Giants BB 16 Lake Box
235 F Friday July 19 19:30 Pirates A 12 Orioles 15 Arthur-Therrien Box
236 F Friday July 19 20:00 Royals A 14 Mariners 4 Trudeau Box
356 F Saturday July 20 16:00 Giants 6 Yankees 3 Ballantyne Box
357 F Sunday July 21 10:00 Blue Jays 10 Braves 10 Ballantyne Box
358 F Sunday July 21 13:00 Phillies 2 Mtl Red Sox 7 Ballantyne Box
147 F Sunday July 21 16:00 Cardinals 7 Red Sox 6 Ballantyne Box
359 F Sunday July 21 16:00 Cubs 16 CRUSH 17 St-Laurent Box
360 F Sunday July 21 19:00 Cards 10 Pirates B 11 St-Laurent Box
121 F Monday July 22 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Tigers 6 Ballantyne Box
141 F Monday July 22 19:30 Mets 15 Cardinals 2 Éloi-Viau Box
237 F Monday July 22 20:00 Pirates A 3 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
102 F Monday July 22 20:30 Mets 7 Cardinals 5 Éloi-Viau Box
149 Fft Tuesday July 23 19:30 Giants BB 7 Pirates BB 0 St-Laurent Box
150 F Thursday July 25 20:00 Giants BB 11 Tigers 1 Trudeau Box
151 F Friday July 26 19:30 Red Sox 3 Mets 13 Ballantyne Box
239 F Friday July 26 19:30 Mariners 5 Orioles 13 Arthur-Therrien Box
240 F Friday July 26 20:00 Pirates A 5 Seadogs 9 Trudeau Box
361 F Saturday July 27 16:00 Giants 2 Bullets 12 Ballantyne Box
362 F Sunday July 28 10:00 Yankees 8 Braves 9 Ballantyne Box
363 F Sunday July 28 10:00 Blue Jays 2 Phillies 9 Springate Box
364 F Sunday July 28 13:00 Pirates B 15 Cubs 2 Ballantyne Box
365 F Sunday July 28 16:00 Bullets 11 Cards 14 Ballantyne Box
366 F Sunday July 28 19:00 Mtl Red Sox 9 Giants 9 Arthur-Therrien Box
153 F Monday July 29 19:30 Red Sox 7 Tigers 6 Ballantyne Box
154 F Monday July 29 20:00 Royals 5 Cardinals 8 Éloi-Viau Box
241 F Monday July 29 20:00 Seadogs 7 Mariners 13 Trudeau Box
242 F Tuesday July 30 19:30 Seadogs 7 Pirates A 13 St-Laurent Box
155 F Tuesday July 30 20:00 Tigers 11 Royals 13 Trudeau Box


# Day Date Time Away team Score Home team Score Field
148 F Thursday Aug 1 20:00 Cardinals 9 Pirates BB 5 Trudeau Box
156 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Pirates BB 4 Mets 5 Ballantyne Box
157 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Red Sox 6 Giants BB 5 Lake Box
244 F Friday Aug 2 19:30 Royals A 11 Orioles 1 Arthur-Therrien Box
152 F Friday Aug 2 20:00 Mets 8 Pirates BB 8 Ballantyne Box
367 F Saturday Aug 3 16:00 Cubs 9 Yankees 9 Ballantyne Box
368 F Saturday Aug 3 19:00 Blue Jays 3 Braves 8 Ballantyne Box
321 F Sunday Aug 4 10:00 CRUSH 4 Phillies 17 Springate Box
335 F Sunday Aug 4 10:00 Cubs 8 Braves 6 Ballantyne Box
369 F Sunday Aug 4 13:00 Pirates B 12 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
331 F Sunday Aug 4 16:00 Yankees 7 Mtl Red Sox 3 St-Laurent Box
370 F Sunday Aug 4 16:00 Giants 6 Cards 4 Ballantyne Box
158 F Sunday Aug 4 19:00 Red Sox 2 Pirates BB 12 St-Laurent Box
231 F Sunday Aug 4 19:00 Pirates A 13 Orioles 9 Arthur-Therrien Box
246 F Tuesday Aug 6 19:30 Mariners 2 Pirates A 12 St-Laurent Box
161 F Tuesday Aug 6 20:00 Mets 11 Red Sox 0 Trudeau Box
247 F Wednesday Aug 7 19:30 Orioles 12 Royals A 1 LaSalle Box
372 F Saturday Aug 10 16:00 Cards 5 Braves 4 Ballantyne Box
375 F Sunday Aug 11 9:00 Phillies 15 Cubs 4 Springate Box
371 F Sunday Aug 11 10:00 Mtl Red Sox 4 Bullets 10 Ballantyne Box
374 F Sunday Aug 11 13:00 Bullets 10 Mtl Red Sox 3 Ballantyne Box
343 F Sunday Aug 11 16:00 Cards 12 Blue Jays 4 Ballantyne Box
376 F Sunday Aug 11 16:00 Yankees 7 Pirates B 4 St-Laurent Box
377 F Sunday Aug 11 19:00 Classique Angels 8 Giants 12 Arthur-Therrien Box
394 Sunday Aug 11 19:00 Braves CRUSH St-Laurent
123 F Monday Aug 12 20:00 Tigers 13 Giants BB 10 Trudeau Box
115 F Monday Aug 12 20:30 Giants BB 6 Tigers 8 Trudeau Box
300 F Tuesday Aug 13 19:30 CRUSH 7 Classique Angels 8 St-Laurent Box
165 F Tuesday Aug 13 20:00 Cardinals 11 Red Sox 5 Trudeau Box
334 F Tuesday Aug 13 20:00 Classique Angels 9 CRUSH 10 St-Laurent Box
220 F Wednesday Aug 14 19:30 Royals A 16 Orioles 0 LaSalle Box
249 Fft Wednesday Aug 14 20:00 Pirates A 7 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
166 F Thursday Aug 15 20:00 Tigers 11 Red Sox 8 Trudeau Box
167 F Friday Aug 16 19:30 Royals 7 Mets 11 Ballantyne Box
168 F Friday Aug 16 19:30 Pirates BB 1 Giants BB 6 Lake Box
206 Fft Saturday Aug 17 19:00 Orioles 0 Mariners 7 To be confirmed Box
379 F Saturday Aug 17 19:00 Cubs 3 Bullets 9 Ballantyne Box
380 F Sunday Aug 18 10:00 CRUSH 2 Braves 12 Ballantyne Box
381 F Sunday Aug 18 10:00 Cards 0 Phillies 1 Springate Box
382 F Sunday Aug 18 13:00 Mtl Red Sox 6 Yankees 5 Ballantyne Box
164 Fft Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Cardinals 1 Mets 6 Ballantyne Box
238 F Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Seadogs 16 Royals A 8 LaSalle Box
383 F Sunday Aug 18 16:00 Blue Jays 5 Pirates B 16 St-Laurent Box
131 Fft Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Cardinals 0 Mets 7 Ballantyne Box
245 F Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Royals A 3 Seadogs 6 LaSalle Box
384 F Sunday Aug 18 19:00 Cubs 6 Giants 13 St-Laurent Box
248 F Tuesday Aug 20 19:30 Seadogs 10 Orioles 11 St-Laurent Box
243 Fft Wednesday Aug 21 19:30 Mariners 7 Royals A 0 LaSalle Box
162 Fft Friday Aug 23 19:30 Mets 7 Royals 0 Ballantyne Box
163 F Friday Aug 23 19:30 Cardinals 2 Giants BB 13 Ballantyne Box
385 F Saturday Aug 24 16:00 Bullets 15 Blue Jays 6 Ballantyne Box
386 F Saturday Aug 24 19:00 Pirates B 7 Mtl Red Sox 8 Ballantyne Box
387 F Sunday Aug 25 10:00 Yankees 6 Cards 2 Ballantyne Box
388 F Sunday Aug 25 13:00 Phillies 11 Classique Angels 0 Ballantyne Box
389 F Sunday Aug 25 16:00 Braves 11 Cubs 5 Ballantyne Box
143 F Monday Aug 26 19:00 Cardinals 6 Tigers 7 Éloi-Viau Box
159 F Monday Aug 26 19:30 Giants BB 6 Royals 7 Ballantyne Box
160 F Monday Aug 26 20:00 Tigers 3 Cardinals 6 Éloi-Viau Box
337 Fft Tuesday Aug 27 19:30 CRUSH 0 Pirates B 7 St-Laurent Box
234 F Thursday Aug 29 20:00 Orioles 12 Mariners 0 Trudeau Box
169 F Friday Aug 30 20:00 Cardinals 13 Tigers 3 Ballantyne Box
2000* F Friday Aug 30 20:00 Mariners 9 Seadogs 5 Trudeau Box
* Postseason game